Debit Pre-Authorization Form (DPA)
This authorized debit form is required to finalize your account with Staff Renter.
We understand that you may have chosen another payment method when registering.
Rest assured, this method will only be used in the event of a lack of payment on your part within the stipulated time.
Why a D.P.A?
Debit Pre-Authorizations (DPA) or Pre-Authorized Payments (PAP) are among the most secure payment methods available.
We use the globally recognized STRIPE platform.
This is a method we have adopted to limit our exposure to bad debtswithdrawals
the method
Unless you are in default and we have tried to contact you several times without success, we will not use this method.
This is a last resort security measure.
Of course, it goes without saying that if you want to pay this way and simplify the procedures, we will use this method.Your bank details
Two choices
Through the Stripe platform, you will have two choices for connecting your bank details:
1- First method (easiest and fastest choice) : By choosing your bank and entering your banking access, you will be able to choose which of your accounts you wish to associate. With this method, your customer account at Staff Renter can be activated instantly.
2-Second method (this method may take 3-5 business days): By entering only your basic banking information (transit number, branch number and account number), STRIPE will send you micro deposits into your account to verify the accuracy of information provided. In a subsequent email, you will then have to indicate the amounts of these deposits received to validate and finalize the process.
it’s possible
Know that you can terminate this authorization at any time!
As a customer, you are amply protected.
You can have more information on your rights regarding the termination of DPA by consulting the official Canadian payment site at the following address :
With this duly completed form, you authorize us to debit the amount of the current invoice(s) from your bank account, respecting the terms of payment.
All your data will be in STRIPE for security purposes.