Description of Services:
1.1 The Client engages Staff Renter to provide experienced recruitment and placement resources, for a fixed period of time.
1.2 Outsourced resources will be based at Staff Renter's offices in Montreal, Quebec, but will be available to work on Client projects as agreed upon.
1.3 The Client is not the employer of the outsourced resources, but rather the beneficiary of the services provided by them.
Bank of Hours:
2.1 The Client undertakes to purchase a minimum bank of hours of 20 hours.
2.2 The Client undertakes to use a minimum of 4 hours per week and per day from the bank of hours purchased.
2.3 A specific resource will be assigned to the Client, and a schedule will be defined for the duration of the outsourcing.
Notification of End of Bank of Hours:
3.1 One week, i.e. 7 days before the end of the bank of hours, the Customer will be notified to resume a bank of hours to ensure continuity of service.
3.2 In the event of non-renewal of the bank of hours, Staff Renter reserves the right to provide another resource to the Client for the following period.
3.3 The Client may pause or stop the outsourcing process at any time. If the Customer remains with a balance of hours, these will be banked for a period of 3 months and can be reactivated at any time during a reactivation call. If the Client wishes to reactivate after the 3 month break period, the remaining hours will be lost and not usable.
Communication :
4.1 During the agreed schedule, the Client may communicate freely with the outsourced resource to discuss current projects.
4.2 However, if the Client were to communicate with the resource outside of the allotted hours, the time spent by the resource would be deducted from the bank of hours.
4.3 The minimum deductible for any communication outside of allotted hours is 15 minutes for a telephone call or email, etc.
4.4 The outsourced recruiter will never speak on behalf of Staff Renter, but only on behalf of the Client during assigned hours.
4.5 The Client will receive a monthly report on the hours worked by the outsourced resource to monitor the progress of the outsourcing.
Payment :
5.1 Payment must be received in full before assigning a resource and for adding hours to the bank.
5.2 The outsourced resource will stop without notice if the Client has not paid the current invoice(s) with this service.
6.1 Staff Renter undertakes to provide assurances for outsourced resources.
Intellectual property :
7.1 All rights in the intellectual property generated by the outsourced resource belong to the Client, provided that appropriate payments have been made.
Applicable Law & Jurisdiction / Termination:
8.1 This contract is subject to the general conditions of Staff Renter. In the event of a dispute, the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts.